stochastic game

英 [stə'kæstɪk ɡeɪm] 美 [stə'kæstɪk ɡeɪm]

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  1. A Study on the Stochastic Stability of Coordination Game in Closed-loop Supply Chain
  2. There should be no in-between, no compromises. Compromise Value of Compromise Admissible Stochastic Cooperative Game
  3. Compromise Value of Compromise Admissible Stochastic Cooperative Game
  4. In this paper, the preferences on stochastic payoffs are defined by quantiles, and the Nash equilibrium of the bimatrix game with stochastic payoffs is given base on the preferences.
  5. Deter-mining solutions of games with fuzzy stochastic strategies and function value game matrix.
  6. This paper analyzes dynamic decision and risk selection in different states by developing a stochastic game model for two companies with multi-steps of technological development.
  7. This paper extends notions of superadditivity and convexity to stochastic cooperative games. It is shown that convex games are superadditive and have nonempty cores, and that the core of convex stochastic cooperative game satisfies the Minkowski sum and Minkowski difference.
  8. A Cooperative Reinforcement Learning Method Based on the Stochastic Game in Multi-Agent Systems
  9. The research on multi-agent reinforcement learning is to deal with the problem of play skill between agents, just with the concept of stochastic game.
  10. It is pr-oved that under certain condition the stochastic game has a value and both players have optimal strategies for discounted rewards.
  11. The dynamic CRM model is presented by using stochastic game theory and estimable structural dynamic programming technologies.
  12. Research on strategy selection in n-person stochastic iterated game
  13. The dynamic hedging problem for European options is studied by applying stochastic differential game method, under the assumption of incomplete market where the underlying assets prices follow geometric Brownian motion with stochastic volatility.
  14. That is stochastic game concerning the interactive learning system of multi-agent.
  15. This paper aims at the learning process of a kind of cooperative teams, which pursue the maximum benefit of a whole system. We propose a new cooperative reinforcement learning method based on the stochastic game in multi-agent systems.
  16. Bases on the analysis of the meaning of dynamic customer relationship management ( DCRM), it gives the technology of modeling and solving DCRM by combining the stochastic game theory and ESDP.
  17. We study dynamic measure of risk problem in incomplete market when stock appreciation rates are uncertainty. We also study a related stochastic game problem.
  18. Stochastic Assigning Model of Aiding the Poor Game
  19. The uncertain factors in electricity market that power generation companies will face with are analyzed, then a stochastic game model is built to realize bidding equilibrium of active power among these companies and a concept of virtual unit is led in to quantitatively calculate the energy shortage.
  20. It presents a method of designing the optimal reward programs in a dynamic environment where customers and firm both maximize their benefit by using stochastic game theory and estimable structural dynamic programming technologies.
  21. In game theory, stochastic cooperative game have received a generous concern and become a research focus.
  22. The form of the worst-case disturbances and the optimal controls are firstly obtained by solving a stochastic differential game problem with undetermined cost function. The cost function is then determined by the requirement of minimizing the maximal Lyapunov exponent of the controlled system in worst case.
  23. We model attacker and defender as two players, non-cooperative stochastic game, and detailed describe the formal definition of the model and its component elements.
  24. At last, we show the application of the stochastic differential game by an applicable example.
  25. In this paper, we mainly study partially observed stochastic control systems and their applications to linear quadratic optimal control, differential game and optimal portfolio choice problems.
  26. The relation of the literature and this paper is expounded and this paper points out four research problems based on the literature review. Then, cooperative advertising between one manufacturer and one retailer is researched and the stochastic differential game model is developed in chapter 3.
  27. The most extensively studied problem in stochastic cooperative game theory is how to divide the total earnings of the grand coalition under the condition that the payoff is uncertain.
  28. Moreover, the optimal strategies are completely different between the case based on maximizing expected utility criteria and based on minimizing ruin probability criteria. ( III) We study the problem of optimal investment with model risk based on the stochastic differential game approach.
  29. A new attack-defense stochastic game model is proposed to describe the states dynamically change and address the issue of optimal defense strategy selection.
  30. Then we study the stochastic differential portfolio games in the case that the two investors can invest in both of the two risky assets and the bank account. By using stochastic linear-quadratic control approach, we obtain the closed-form solutions to the game problems.